Posts Tagged ‘Dave Manno’

16 Month Update

March 2, 2011

Hey Everybody,

Here at about the 16-month mark, I thought I’d share with you this comparison of my hair growth now with an old picture I discovered, taken before my Nu/Hart hair transplant.


My 11th Month Update

October 25, 2010

Dave - Before Nu/Hart Hair Transplant

Checking in with my 11-month update.  Growth is coming along nicely.

Dave - After Nu/Hart Hair Transplant (11 months)

The other night I went to an upscale bar.  As I stood near the end of the bar, I noticed than more than just a few people were staring at me.  It felt really good.  I couldn’t deny that my confidence was soaring. My hairline was no longer going to make me shy and unapproachable.  I didn’t expect to be attacked by women like in the AXE body wash commercials, but a simple hello from an attractive woman would be nice.  As if it were scripted, a charming, attractive woman approached me and asked my name.  She then proceeded to say…”So, Dave, did you notice all these people staring at you?  “I sure did,” I excitedly replied.  “Well perhaps, you would garner less attention if you didn’t stand in front of the big screen TV while the Penguin game is on.”

Ok, so I’m still not a chick magnet, but at least I feel better about my appearance …and that’s saying something.  I like the way my hair feels now and how I have less scalp showing.  It’s getting better each week.  Bottom line, I’m really glad I had the procedure done.  I’m looking forward to the next few months.  Hopefully, I’ll do my next update from the barber shop as he’s cutting all of my thick uncontrollable locks.

Till next time…if you’re on the fence about getting this done—come on, jump…you’ll be glad you did.



Let Me Introduce Myself

November 24, 2009

Hi and thanks for checking out my blog.  The mere fact that you’re here probably means that, like me, you’re experiencing some hair loss and want to do something about it.  Hopefully, sharing my hair transplant experience with the world will help those who are also considering this procedure, just as other Nu/Hart hair transplant clients have helped to educate me.  I can’t tell you how helpful it has been to learn about the process from others who have “been there and done that.”  So I’m looking forward to telling my story to you.

My name is Dave Manno. I produce television shows and corporate videos.  Over the last several years, I have worked with Arrowstarr to occasionally provide video production services to Nu/Hart Hair Clinics, whose corporate headquarters also reside in Pittsburgh, PA.  It’s during this time that I’ve been to their facility, gotten to know the staff, learned about their hair transplantation process, and become intrigued with the idea of getting my own hair back.  Finally, the day came that I knew it was time for me to stop thinking about getting my hair back – and start doing something about it.  So after a few conversations with their medical staff and Dr. Peter Dickinson, I scheduled my very own hair transplant, which took place just the other day.

Okay, I’ll be honest here.  It’s been less than two days since my procedure and if I position myself just right in front of a mirror and dim the lights, the little marks on my head where the hairs were transplanted fill in the spots that were recently bare.  I can now truly imagine what my hair and hair line will look like in a few short months.  I am totally pumped.  I truly look 15 years younger…and that’s with just the marks!  Just think what curly brown hair will look like. If I can just reign in my patience, I’ll be in good shape.

Though I’ve undergone back surgery, gallbladder surgery, and several very uncomfortable outpatient procedures, I’m still a very fidgety patient.  Despite my whining and constant need to take breaks, Dr. Dickinson was extremely professional, patient and understanding.  The staff, Bridey, Kristi, Bob and Claudio kept things light and humorous, which was much appreciated.  They’re still amazed that I took a dose of valium and I was still fully alert and able to walk out of there in a straight line.  They were equally amazed that I drove myself home while eating a Wendy’s burger with my right hand and texting on the cell with my left.  Just kidding…the love of my life was there to not only calm and comfort me, but also to drive.

Back to the procedure, let’s not pull any punches here.  This wasn’t open heart surgery, but it wasn’t a mole removal either.  I guess I would say it was similar to maybe a dental procedure.  Granted, any procedure carries with it some risks, discomfort and trepidation.  But I guarantee you that when I look in the mirror a few months from now, every tug, push, pull, pinch, swell and ache will be worth it.

I was concerned about how or if I would sleep, but night one was amazingly uneventful.  I slept well, despite having to lie on my back.  Yes, I cheated and turned on my side now and then, but I woke up with little pain and virtually no swelling.  The most uncomfortable thing was the tightness in my scalp.  It felt like I was wearing curlers that were rolled too tightly.  (Not that I have ever had curlers in my hair, but I can imagine what it must feel like.  Okay, let’s switch that to it feels like a football helmet that is too tight.)

I’ve given Nu/Hart some of my “video log” of the events leading up to the procedure.  Next time, I’ll post the video of my pre-operative consultation with Dr. Dickinson.